jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

My favourite piece of technology

Hi everyone, in this postl I'll talk about my favourite piece of technology. 

My favourite piece of technology is my cellphone, I got my cellphone since 2014, isn't my first cellphone but this is the first with a lot of technology.

I use my cell for listen music, watch videos on youtube, play video games, take pictures and for talk with my friends.
I use my cell every day since I wake up until I fall sleep, the most part of time I'm talking with my girlfriend and this is why I like my cellphone.
The life without cellphones probably would be so different, the people would have more personal contact between them, but I can't deny that it's so useful because in just one piece of technology you can find a lot of apps.

Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day.

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