viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

My Dreams.

My Dreams.

I'd really like to go to new york academy of art, I love painting and drawing, I even have painted my own artworks. I'd  really love have the opportunity of meeting other artist and share experiences and techniques. My life would change because now nobody appreciate my artwork. Chile is behind in the field of art. The things that may stop me for achieve my dreams is the money, because I'm poor and I have to pay the university and the department. I could make money working at a pizza company because I have experience in that area, to travel to new york, and postulate to the academy, I trust in my skills. I have other dreams, like traveling around the world with my girlfriend and have my own music recording studio. 

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Expert on your field that I admire.

Hello everyone, today I will talk about an expert in administration: Henri Fayol.
Henri Fayol was born in Istanbul in 1841, he studied in the academy "École Nationale Supérieure des Mines" and he graduated in 1860.
Fayol is famous for his article General and industrial administration published in 1916, but this is not the only article he have more.
The work of Fayol was one of the first comprehensive statements of a general theory of management, in his theory he proposed that where five primary functions of management: organize, staffing, command or direct, coordinate and control.
I like Fayol because is one of the classical authors in the administration and we have to read his books in different subjects of the career also I think that he theory contributed so much to the field of administration. 

Thank you so much for read this post

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

How sports can improve Chilean life standards

Hi everyone, in this post I will talk about how sports can improve Chilean life standards.
In Chile over 80% of our population is sedentary, this means that they don't practice any kind of sport.
The sport provide health benefits like reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome and reduces  the risk for high blood pressure, also improve the mental heath, reducing the risk of depression and anxiety.
Some current problems in the population that can be improve by the access to sport programs are obesity and the fact that the kids in the poor cities don't have activitys to do and usually they are alone in the street. The poor people in many ocassions they can't find places where to practice sports nearly of their houses and in my opinion is a work of the government build places and promote sport.

Thank you for read this post.

My favourite piece of technology

Hi everyone, in this postl I'll talk about my favourite piece of technology. 

My favourite piece of technology is my cellphone, I got my cellphone since 2014, isn't my first cellphone but this is the first with a lot of technology.

I use my cell for listen music, watch videos on youtube, play video games, take pictures and for talk with my friends.
I use my cell every day since I wake up until I fall sleep, the most part of time I'm talking with my girlfriend and this is why I like my cellphone.
The life without cellphones probably would be so different, the people would have more personal contact between them, but I can't deny that it's so useful because in just one piece of technology you can find a lot of apps.

Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day.

Expectations for a New Semester

Hello everyone! in this post I will talk about my expectations for this new semeste of career.
In this semester I have six subjects, they are Administrative Theory, Applied Statistic, English, Science Theory, Microeconomy and Constitutional  Right.
In this semester I didn't take an extracurricular activity because I really want to study more and have more time for Constitutional Right.
The last semester I could not approve Constitutional Right. I really want to approve all the subjects this semester, I know that this will be not easy but I think that is not impossible! I'm going to study a lot!

Thanks for read my blog.